The Cranial Crucial Ligament (CrCL) is an important stabilizer located in the hind stifle, which is similar to the knee in humans. The CrCL is equivalent to the ACL (Anterior Crucial Ligament) in the human knee, but the injury occurs for different reasons. When a person injures or tears their ACL, there is normally an incident leading to the injury that involves planting a foot and twisting the knee. For dogs, there is usually not a sudden cause for this injury but is due to prolonged wear and tear on the hind legs.

Whole Dog Journal, Canine Stifle
As you can see in the picture, the Cranial Cruciate ligament helps hold together and support the femur and tibia. The CrCL provides the front to back (or rocking) stability in the hind legs, and little rotational.
Due to the way the dog is built, the ligament is always in use when they are standing because of the slight bend in the knee. In humans, the ACL is at rest more due to the straightness in the knee and is only mainly used in exercise.
MagnaWave can help by increasing the blood circulation and oxygen content around the ligament to reduce pain caused by inflammation. Consistent use of MagnaWave can aid in the healing process and provide preventative measures with the cranial cruciate ligament by keeping the whole body healthy. There are other methods available to address a CrCL tear and it is important to involve a veterinarian in the healing process to ensure the best outcome for your dog.
Thea Williams of Pampered Pony PEMF has had great success in addressing a CrCL tear in dogs.
Thea MagnaWaved a black lab for 12 weeks with positive results. The dog had a tear in the ligament, and two vets told the owner that surgery was the best option. The owner was not able to afford the cost of surgery, so they turned to Pampered Pony PEMF to help their beloved pet!
“We saw results starting in the first week, the lab was more comfortable and not in as much pain . . . by the end of the second week, she was excited to see me walk in with the machine!” -Thea Williams

Soundness in the hind leg improved in about a month, and the dog is now running around and enjoying life! Even though a CrCL tear is more common in older dogs, younger pups can injure the ligament as well from excessive running, jumping, or playing. The most common sign of this injury is a back-leg limp. If you believe your dog has a Cranial Cruciate Ligament tear, contact a veterinarian and use MagnaWave to help your four-legged friends find their best stride!